September 24th 2024
08:00 - 16:00
Startuplab Oslo, Oslo Science Park
Gaustadalléen 21, 0349 Oslo
PS! This event is for registered attendees only, and unfortunately, we won’t be able to accommodate anyone who shows up at the door without confirmation of registration.
08.00: Registration, breakfast and Startup Tech Showcase
10.00: Summit Kick-Off
10.20: Pitch Round 1​
Enjoy the first wave of 20 innovative companies as they deliver rapid-fire, 2-minute pitches on stage.
11.00: Lunch
12.15: Panel Debate: Top Investors on Climate Investing
Namratha Kothapalli, Principal at Speedinvest
Danijel Visevic, CEO and Partner at World Fund
Madelene Larsson, Principal at Giant Ventures
Maynard Holt, CEO and Founder at Veriten
12.45: Pitch Round 2
Another group of 20 groundbreaking startups will captivate you with their swift, 2-minute pitches.
13.30: Keynote: Hard-Earned Lessons in Climate Tech
Jonas Helmikstøl, founder of one of the fastest growing climate techs in history, opens up about his journey in a discussion moderated by renowned American author and journalist Rod Berger.
​14.05: Award Ceremony: Climate Tech Startup of the Year
Celebrate the crowning of the Climate Tech Startup of the Year, who will take home a 500K cash prize.
14.15: Mingling & Pizza